WordPress Websites

Why WordPress?

The most popular website platform these days is WordPress. Most of the sites we build use WordPress. We like it because it’s very easy for YOU to use. If you want to go in and write a quick article or change up some of the wording on your homepage, YOU can easily do that. If we build you a website, we will show you how to make those types of changes. This means you, as the client, can take a hand in putting up articles, adding pictures, etc, without always having to go through a webmaster if you’d rather not. A webmaster can put the whole site together for you and then turn the reins over to you. All the logistics of the site are in place, like your logo, the navigation menus, the general set-up of pages, and such.

Reasons to use a WordPress Developer:

  • You want some power over your own content, but you don’t want to have to figure everything out yourself
  • You have the need to add content to your site on a regular basis
  • You’re willing to pay a moderate price to get a good professional product
  • You want the ability to inexpensively update your site’s look down the road so it doesn’t become outdated

Egads! If you just want a dang website and don’t want to know about all this stuff, then stop reading and go to “Contact Us” where you can call or email us right away.